Benefits of using eDerma


with your doctor


Faster diagnosis

Facilitates accessibility

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eDerma is a simple and free app

Associates images to a map of the different areas in the body.

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Physical Maps are useful for patients, they can identify the appearance of new injuries.

We will be able to visualize images associated to our physical map, classified by physical areas and ordered chronologically.

private or shared.

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When the patient observes in his/her physical map, an injury whose evolution requires special attention, he/she will register a monitoring.

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According to our current or preselected location..

eDermawill daily report radiation levels, by means of a notification.

Expert’s opinion


Dr. Sebastian Podlipnik
Dermatology/Hospital Clinic Barcelona

“eDerma is an effective app that enabled us to connect with patients in the most remote locations. Thanks to this platform, we are currently providing continuous humanitarian service at Sahrawi refugee camps.”


Dra. Pilar Iranzo
Dermatology/Hospital Clinic Barcelona

“eDerma is a very useful app that facilitates the support to patients and doctors at resource-less areas. It helps not only with diagnostics and therapeutic counseling, but also with spots monitoring and the interaction with healthcare administrators.”


Dr. Francesc Messeguer
Dermatology/Hospital d’Alcoi

“eDerma helps us to diagnose skin cancer on elderly patients with a reduced mobility. We can plan surgical treatment and the patient doesn’t need to come to the medical clinic. It is very satisfying for patients, their family and all the professionals involved.”


Dr. Eduardo Nagore
Chief Dermatology Service/ Valencian Oncology Institute(IVO)

“eDerma is tremendously useful to help with self-exploration and prevention of skin cancer, specially melanoma. We have recommended it at IVO for more than a year and patients who use it present a high degree of satisfaction.”


Dr. Susana Puig
MD PhD. Chief Dermatology Service. Research Director “Melanoma: Imaging, genetics and immunology” at IDIBAPS Consultant & Assistant Professor at Melanoma Unit, Dermatology Department Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona

“Thanks to the eDerma platform, our collaborative project with Sahrawi refugees is alive with an specific teledermatology program. A great experience with eDerma in a humanitarian project at the Sahrawi refugees camp empowered us to develop new humanitarian projects. It is a simple yet thorough tool that ensures a patient-doctor confidentiality, enabling a proper and efficient interaction.”

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