Simple and professional!
Advanced system to monitor and diagnose skin injuries. eDerma establishes an online communication channel (mobile or PC), which prevents mobility issues and reduces treatment and diagnosis times.

eDerma consists on a web app, only available to doctors, that includes all the required tools to monitor these cases; and a mobile app that will be used by the patient to interact with his/her doctor.
Benefits of using eDerma
with your doctor
Faster diagnosis
Facilitates accessibility

It facilitates communication
and information exchange
between doctors and

Injury diagnosis time is

It overcomes any physical barrier
that a patient might find
(geographical distance, transport,
disability, etc)
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Associates images to a map of the different areas in the body.
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Physical Maps are useful for patients, they can identify the appearance of new injuries.
We will be able to visualize images associated to our physical map, classified by physical areas and ordered chronologically.

SPOTS monitoring
private or shared.
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When the patient observes in his/her physical map, an injury whose evolution requires special attention, he/she will register a monitoring.

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According to our current or preselected location..
eDermawill daily report radiation levels, by means of a notification.

Expert’s opinion

Dr. Sebastian Podlipnik
Dermatology/Hospital Clinic Barcelona

Dr. Pilar Iranzo
Dermatology/Hospital Clinic Barcelona

Dr. Francesc Messeguer
Dermatology/Hospital d’Alcoi

Dr. Eduardo NagoreChief
Dermatology Service/ Valencian Oncology Institute(IVO)

Dr. Susana Puig
MD PhD. Chief Dermatology Service.
Research Director “Melanoma: Imaging, genetics and immunology” at IDIBAPS Consultant & Assistant Professor at Melanoma Unit, Dermatology Department Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona